About Samylu Cultural Center
The cultural center serves Samylai, Taurakiemis, Rokai, Garliava districts, Linksmakalnis elderships.
Here goes a public celebration, concerts, calendar festivals, contests, afternoons, evenings, art amateur concert tours, folk artists and community residents’ exhibitions, anniversary events, Christmas and Easter craft hours.
Cultural Center vision
A modern, multifunctional cultural institution that fully meets the cultural needs of the population and creates favorable conditions for self-expression and improvement.
Cultural Center’s mission
The Cultural Centre provides functions delegated by the state, the municipality and cultural priorities.
Investigates, analyze and evaluate your cultural performance opportunities, other conditions.
Raises qualification, seeks effective results, satisfying the cultural needs of the residents of Samylu, Taurakiemis, Liksmakalnis, Roku, Garliava districts.
Traditional Events
Commemoration of Defenders of Freedom Day (January 13th)
Lithuanian Independence Day Celebration – Concert (February 16th).
Mardi Gras.
March 11th concert.
Mother’s Day celebration.
Celebrations of Children’s Day.
Festival „Radio angels“ in Linksmakalnis
Midsummer Festival, June 24th.
August 29. Festival „Pedos mariu dugne“ in Samylai.
„Clay road“ in Rokai.
September festival „Sounding Juniper Valley“ in Arlaviskes.
Grandmothers Festival in Ilgakiemis.
Celebration to honor the elderly.
Christmas tree festival of kindling.
Adress: J.Biliūno str. 106, Samylai,
LT-53144 Kauno distric., Lithuania
Phone.: (+370) 68663977, mail: samylaikc@gmail.com